AUSTRALIA | WikiLeaks hace pública una orden de censura sobre un caso de corrupción que afecta a gobernantes de países vecinos

| WikiLeaks hace pública una orden de censura sobre un caso de corrupción que afecta a gobernantes de países vecinos
30.07.2014 23:38
WikiLeaks ha revelado la existencia de una orden de censura aplicada a todos los ciudadanos y medios de comunicación sobre el territorio nacional australiano. Invocando la «seguridad nacional» y la necesidad de prevenir los intentos de «dañar las relaciones internacionales de Australia», la medida prohibe cualquier tipo de cobertura sobre supuestos casos que afecten a gobernantes asiáticos.
La existencia de esta orden de justicia, publicada ayer, 19 de julio, por WikiLeaks, sobre la supresión de la cobertura mediática a casos de corrupción internacional, dice mucho del actual nivel de transparencia en Australia.
El documento está en vigor desde hace cinco años, y prohibe a cualquier medio o ciudadano australiano difundir informaciones sobre un caso de corrupción que implica a siete dirigentes de bancos australianos que supuestamente habrían recibido millones de dólares para obtener contratos con los gobiernos de Malasia, Indonesia, Vietnam y otros países. En la orden se mencionan específicamente 17 personalidades de alto rango, entre ellas, los actuales Presidente y Primer Ministro de Vietnam, el anterior Presidente de Indonesia, y el Primer Ministro malasio. 
La prohibición de divulgar esta información está en sí misma sujeta a censura. Se pone como excusa la necesidad de proteger la «seguridad nacional» y la necesidad de «evitar el daño de las relaciones internacionales de Australia». El corresponsal de Reporteros Sin Fronteras tiene prohibido intercambiar información sobre este caso con la organización. 
«Los motivos de esta orden de censura que se apoyan en la seguridad nacional, son inaceptables y no pueden justificar una censura de esta magnitud a todos los tipos de informadores, periodistas o ciudadanos», afirma Benjamin Ismaïl, responsable de la oficina de Asia de Reporteros Sin Fronteras. «La orden es desproporcionada y pretende de la misma manera proteger los intereses de algunos dirigentes de países de Asía y del sur de Asia, así como invitar  a los demás a cerrar los ojos ante casos igualmente cruciales sobre la identidad de los beneficiarios de estas operaciones financieras», añade Ismaïl. Reporteros Sin Fronteras pide a las autoridades australianas que revoquen inmediatamente esta orden y restablezcan la transparencia sobre este caso. 
Según, Jason Bosland, moderador de una conferencia en la Universidad de Derecho de Melbourne, el Tribunal de Estado de Victoria tiene un larga trayectoria en este caso. Entre 2008 y 2012 ha emitido 200 órdenes de supresión de contenidos al año. Estas decisiones han tenido un periodo de aplicación ilimitado y han sido raramente revocadas. 
El 22 de julio, Reporteros Sin Fronteras denunció la deriva liberticida del país provocada por la voluntad de las autoridades australianas de proteger los intereses de la nación en detrimento del interés público con un nuevo proyecto de ley que atenta gravemente la libertad de información y contradice los tratados internacionales firmados por Australia. El país ocupa en la actualidad el puesto 28 de la Clasificación Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa de Reporteros Sin Fronteras.  
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JUDGE:The Honourable Justice Hollingworth
DATE MADE:19 June 2014
HOW OBTAINED:Oral application, following the giving of notice under s 10 of the Open Courts Act 2013 (Vic)
ATTENDANCE: Dr S Danaghue QC and Mr J Forsaith for the Commonwealth of Australia (instructed by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) Mr J Forsaith for the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police Mr N Robinson QC and Mr K Armstrong for the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions Mr M Cahill for Barry Thomas Brady Mr C Mandy for Peter Sinclair Hutchinson Mr C Thomson for John Leckenby Mr P Tehan QC for Steven Kim Wong Mr P Higham for Christian Boillot and Clifford John Gerathy Ms M Fox for Myles Andrew Curtis
1. Subject to further order, there be no disclosure, by publication or otherwise, of any information (whether in electronic or paper form) derived from or prepared for the purposes of these proceedings (including the terms of these orders, and the affidavit of Gillian Elizabeth Bird affirmed on 12 June 2014) that reveals, implies, suggests or alleges that any person to whom this order applies:
(a) received or attempted to receive a bribe or improper payment;
(b) acquiesced in or was wilfully blind as to any person receiving or attempting to receive a bribe or improper payment; or
(c) was the intended or proposed recipient of a bribe or improper payment.
2. Subject to further order, order 1 applies to the following persons:
(a) any current or former Prime Minister of Malaysia (including refereces to ’PM’);
(b) any current or former Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia (including references to ’DPM’);
(c) any current or former Finance Minister of Malaysia (including references to ’FM’);
(d) Mohammad Najib Abdul Razak, currently Prime Minister (since 2009) and Finance Minister (since 2008) of Malaysia;
(e) Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (also known as Pak Lah), a former Prime Minister (2003 – 2009) and Finance Minister (2003 – 2008) of Malaysia;
(f) Puan Noni (also knows as Ms/Madame Noni, or Nonni), a sister-in-law of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi;
(g) Mahathir Mohamed, a former Prime Minister (1981 – 2003) and Finance Minister (2001 – 2003) of Malaysia;
(h) Daim Zainuddin, a former Finance Minister of Malaysia (1984 – 1991; 1999 – 2001);
(i) Rafidah Aziz, a former Trade Minister of Malaysia (1987 – 2008);
(j) Hamid Albar, a former Minister for Foreign Affairs (1999 – 2008) and Minister of Home Affairs (2008 – 2009) of Malaysia;
(k) Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (also known as SBY), currently President of Indonesia (since 2004);
(l) Megawati Sukarnoputri (also known as Mega), a former President of Indonesia (2001 – 2004) and current leader of the PDI-P political party;
(m) Laksamana Sukardi, a former Indonesian minister (2001 – 2004; in Megawati Sukarnoputri’s goverment);
(n) Truong Tan San, currently President of Vietnam (since 2011);
(o) Nguyen Tan Dung, currently Prime Minister of Vietnam (since 2006);
(p) Le Duc Thuy, a Former Chairman of the National Financial Supervisory Committee (2007 – 2011) and a former Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam (1999 – 2007); and
(q) Nong Duc Manh, a former General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (2001 – 2011).
3. Subject to further order, order 1 does not prevent:
(a) disclosures to and among Commonwealth officers (as defined by s 3 of Crimes Act 1914 (Cth)) or international investigators, international prosecuting authorities, and other like international entities;
(b) provision by the Court to registered media organisations, under cover of a notice referring to the existence of these orders, of transcript and exhibits (which, for the avoidance of doubt, must then be treated in accordance with order 1 above);
(c) provision of material by the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions to Note Printing Australia Pty Ltd and its legal representatives, provided any such material is provided together with a copy of these orders.
4. The prohibition on publication in order 1 applies throughout Australia.
5. The purpose of these orders is to prevent damage to Australia’s international relations that may be caused by the publication of material that may damage the reputations of specified individuals who are not the subject of charges in these proceedings.
6. These orders are made on the grounds that they are:
(a) necessary to prevent a real and substantial risk of prejudice to the proper administration of justice that cannot be prevented by other reasonably available means; and
(b) necessary to prevent prejudice to the interests of the Commonwealth in relation to national security.
7. These orders operate for a period of 5 years from the date of these orders, unless sooner revoked.
8. The affidavit of Gillian Elizabeth Bird affirmed on 12 June 2014 be sealed in an envelope marked «Not to be opened without an order of the Court», and not be opened without order of the Court.
9. There be liberty to apply.
Source: WikiLeaks